Hydrology is the study of the movement, distribution, and quality of water throughout the Earth, including the hydrologic cycle, water resources and environmental watershed sustainability.
Branches of hydrology :
Chemical hydrology is the study of the chemical characteristics of water.
Ecohydrology is the study of interactions between organisms and the hydrologic cycle.
Hydrogeology is the study of the presence and movement of ground water.
Hydroinformatics is the adaptation of information technology to hydrology and water resources applications.
Hydrometeorology is the study of the transfer of water and energy between land and water body surfaces and the lower atmosphere.
Isotope hydrology is the study of the isotopic signatures of water.
Surface hydrology is the study of hydrologic processes that operate at or near Earth's surface.
Water quality•
Sample collection
• In-situ methods
• Physical measurements (includes sediment concentration)
• Collection of samples to quantify Organic Compounds
• Collection of samples to quantify Inorganic Compounds
• Analysis of aqueous Organic Compounds
• Analysis of aqueous Inorganic Compounds
• Microbiological sampling and analysis
Water Movement :
Surface movement includes rivers, streams, creeks, lakes, ponds, and human-made "flood" control. All surface water is trying to reach sea level due to gravity. As water flows in channels, the streambed and banks of the channel will resist the flow of water. The velocity of the water is dependant on steepness of the slope, type of rock or soil, amount of vegetation, shape of stream bed, and obstructions. Surface water provides the liquid where most evaporation takes place.
Where is Earth's water located and in what forms does it exist? You can see how water is distributed by viewing these bar charts. The left-side bar shows where the water on Earth exists; about 97 percent of all water is in the oceans. The middle bar shows the distribution of that three percent of all Earth's water that is freshwater. The majority, about 69 percent, is locked up in glaciers and icecaps, mainly in Greenland and Antarctica. You might be surprised that of the remaining freshwater, almost all of it is below your feet, as ground water. No matter where on Earth you are standing, chances are that, at some depth, the ground below you is saturated with water. Of all the freshwater on Earth, only about 0.3 percent is contained in rivers and lakes—yet rivers and lakes are not only the water we are most familiar with, it is also where most of the water we use in our everyday lives exists
this page like my early life and school life and collage life and my friend circle and teacher thanking all of you
Friday, December 17, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Power Full Civil Engineear
Construction professionals need to know how to balance the contingencies of risk with their specific contractual, financial, operational and organizational requirements. In order to achieve this balance, proper risk identification and risk analysis is required. The risk management process entails identifying construction risks and exposures, and formulating an effective risk management strategy to mitigate the potential for loss.
Many construction professionals look at risks individually with a myopic lens and do not realize the potential impact that other associated risks may have on their business operations. Using a holistic risk management approach will enable a firm to identify all of the organization’s business risks. This will increase the probability of risk mitigation, with the ultimate goal of total risk elimination.
Transfer & Indemnification
The two most problematic areas for construction professionals to effectively manage are contractual risks and the insurability of projects. Contract reviews and insurance facilitation are critical components on an effective risk mitigation and management program. Insurance facilitation assumes the probability that accidents will occur and seeks an efficient way of distributing and/or transferring the risk.
In many instances the ultimate loss is transferred to the insurer, using conventional insurance as the risk transfer method. In other instances, the use of contractual risk transfer methods, utilizing indemnification provisions, are used. However, in most cases, the combination of insurance, risk financing, and contract indemnification provisions are used.
Indemnification can be viewed from the perspective of worker safety and avoidance of accidents, with an emphasis on the exculpatory aspects of indemnification. However, sometimes escaping liability and the associated consequences can create problems with the misuse of indemnification provisions. Particularly, with the broad form or intermediate form, which can exculpate the indemnitee from his/her own wrongdoing or negligence.
Problems with indemnification provisions can occur, for example, if a prime contractor removes the indemnification provision from all of its subcontract agreements. This minimizes the prime contractor’s responsibility, and could minimize the incentive for the prime contractor to properly control project operations. This could also increase the potential for injuries to workers at the project jobsite.
Risk management is activity directed towards the assessing, mitigating (to an acceptable level) and monitoring of risks In some cases the acceptable risk may be near zero. Risks can come from accidents, natural causes and disasters as well as deliberate attacks from an adversary. The main ISO standards on risk management .In businesses, risk management entails organized activity to manage,uncertainity and threats and involves people following procedures and using tools in order to ensure conformance with risk-management policies. The strategies include transferring the risk to another party, avoiding the risk, reducing the negative effect of the risk, and accepting some or all of the consequences of a particular.
Project Risk Management
A risk is something that may happen and if it does, will have a positive or negative impact on the project. A few points here. “That may happen” implies a probability of less then 100%. If it has a probability of 100% - in other words it will happen - it is an issue. An issue is managed differently to a risk and we will handle issue management in a later white paper. A risk must also have a probability something above 0%. It must be a chance to happen or it is not a risk. The second thing to consider from the definition is “will have a positive or negative impact”. Most people dive into the negative risks but what if something goes right?
Risk Identification
There are different sorts of risks and we need to decide on a project by project basis what to do about each type. Business risks are ongoing risks that are best handled by the business. An example is that if the project cannot meet end of financial year deadline, the business area may need to retain their existing accounting system for another year. The response is likely to be a contingency plan developed by the business, to use the existing system for another year. Generic risks are risks to all projects. For example the risk that business users might not be available and requirements may be incomplete. Each organisation will develop standard responses to generic risks.
Risk Response
Avoid the risk. Do something to remove it. Use another supplier for example. Transfer the risk. Make someone else responsible. Perhaps a Vendor can be made responsible for a particularly risky part of the project. Mitigate the risk. Take actions to lessen the impact or chance of the risk occurring. If the risk relates to availability of resources, draw up an agreement and get sign-off for the resource to be available. Accept the risk. The risk might be so small the effort to do anything is not worth while.
A risk response plan should include the strategy and action items to address the strategy. The actions should include what needs to be done, who is doing it, and when it should be completed.
Risk Control
The final step is to continually monitor risks to identify any change in the status, or if they turn into an issue. It is best to hold regular risk reviews to identify actions outstanding, risk probability and impact, remove risks that have passed, and identify new risks.
Risk management is not a complex task. If you follow the four steps, you can put together a risk management plan for a project in a short space of time.
project management training module
A project managers job is very essential to any affair since they are the ones that make projects successful tasks. Because that, it is important to get trained and to obtain some awareness on this career via some sort of training course like the PRINCE2 project management training module.
The PRINCE2 training module will help a project manager not only realize all the jobs he has to do but also how to do them with the greatest possibility of success.
The PRINCE2 project management training module gives the knowledge for project managers to start, maintain and finish any project successfully.
Any project can be well managed as long as the project manager knows how to accomplish the stages involved in achieving success they will succeed. Prince2 project management training and education module will help this to happen.
If you think about it daily life is all about project management anyway, all you have to do is realize that and you are already on your way to becoming a great project manager. Execute your natural ability of managing with the Prince2 project management training module and you will succeed.
Do you get problem pointing out what things you manage in your life like thinking of your kids, your pets, your bank account, paying your bills… You are managing all of things of your life. Everyday you begin a day, you go through your day and you finish your day with the knowledge and gratifying feeling that you succeeded in doing the things you wanted and had to do. There is no different with managing any project you just need the extra business training end of it, this is what training modules like the Prince2 project management training module involves.
Don’t wait to long until you join a certified training from Prince2 project management module. Combine your natural ability of project management with the knowledge you got from the training and you will be successful at your project manager career.
Engineering Job Interview Preparation
The Job Interview is usually the most stressful and difficult part of any engineering job. On the job stress falls a distant second to the interview required to get the job in the first place. So, what can we do to reduce the stress and impress our future boss at the interview? That’s where preparation comes in. This article is about job selection, employer investigation, pre-interviews and practice to show you’re prepared for the engineering job and not just the interview questions.
Engineering Career And Job Selection is the most important step in preparing for the interview. We must do a thorough job search to find careers and jobs that are an actual match for the skills, education and experience we have. You may be able to craft a deceptive resume that makes it look like you’re qualified where you aren’t, but how do you get past the interview, or worse, do the work once hired? There are skill sets you develop in certain fields that work in other jobs, as well. If you’re in doubt, get a professional career counselor to help you find your good matches. It will make all the difference when you’re interviewing if you already have a good match. As a side note…if you’re changing careers, take some classes to fill in gaps in your experience toward the new field. Of course, to make sure it’s a good match and to prepare for the interview, it’s a good idea to investigate the potential employers.
Employer Investigation is essential to prepare for an interview. What you’re looking for, here, is information about your employer that you can use to show your interest in their operation and to find ways you can contribute to that operation. Recently, a new head coach was chosen for the Sacramento Kings Basketball Team. The owners were impressed with the one candidate who came prepared, knowing players, strengths, weaknesses, recommended game strategies…he had a huge binder he had compiled on the Kings…he got the job. This is the kind of thing, though not to that extent, you should be looking for when investigating your employer. Where are they in the market with respect to their competitors? What are the similarities and differences between them and their competition? How can the experience and ideas you offer give them an edge over the competition? Even if all your investigation gets you is a way to show the employer you’re interested in the company and not just the paycheck, it will be well worth the effort.
Pre-Interview Interviews can be conducted with company employees (if it doesn’t interfere), competitors…even the suppliers and customers of the company (be careful about this one). The competitors can give you an idea of the wages and benefits that are standard for your work and the reputation of your potential employer. Who knows…if their competitors see someone ambitious enough to investigate the competition, they may offer you a position before you get to the interview. Employees of a company can give you great insight and may help you get hired. Once, when I asked an employee about the job, working conditions and company philosophy, he told his department supervisor to make sure I got hired because he hadn’t seen someone that ambitious in years. Suppliers and customers of the company can give you great insight if you’re tactful. Make sure to find out if there’s anything they feel would make it easier for them to do more business with your employer. If you get anything useful, make sure to share it at the interview because good companies are always looking for ways to improve…and hiring you just might be that way. The whole area of investigation and pre-interviews is to give you an edge the other applicants won’t have when it comes to the job interview questions.
Prepare To Answer And Ask Questions: Interviewing is a skill, like typing, and requires practice. It’s good to prepare and practice answering at least the most common job interview answers so you’re ready if they are asked. You can also get books with more complex questions tailored for your particular field. One way to have ready answers for all questions is to prepare a small notebook with copies of awards, college transcripts, job descriptions, appreciation and reference letters about you, etc. The whole idea is communication, so, if an award or certificate communicates your qualifications better than you can, show it…just don’t make any lengthy presentations. Also, make sure the notebook has a few blank pages for you to take notes. When your interviewer offers information or answers your question, make sure to take notes. This impresses to your interviewer that you’re intensely interested in the company and the job. If you’ve done your investigation well, you should have a few well-chosen questions in your notebook that will show what you’ve learned about the company and that you have an interest in the “big picture” of the industry the company operates in. Very few will go to the trouble of researching and developing questions and comments for the interview. But, at the interview, be prepared to gather information for your thank you letter, too.
The Thank You Letter can be more than a mere polite gesture as so many teach about job interviews. If you’ve done your preparation well, you’ll come out of the interview with enough information to nail the job down in the thank you letter. Your notes from the interview should contain the name(s) of the interviewer(s), address, time and date of interview, answers to your questions, and information the interviewer volunteered about the company…especially anything that was emphasized. Along with the normal thank you letter ya-da-ya-da, make sure your letter includes appreciation for the information (be specific…in quotes if possible) they gave you and why (specifically …company rep. or philosophy from information they gave you…but not money or benefits) you would be interested in considering a position there. After the hundreds of people they hire who never listen to what they say, your letter will show them you’re different and what they say matters to you.
Of course, no one can guarantee you’ll get every job you interview for. It usually takes several job interviews to get a good job, so, just regard the ones who didn’t hire you as practice. As long as you’re willing to prepare, you’ll find the position that’s a good fit for you and your employer. By doing the hard work others won’t; choosing the right field, investigating and conducting pre-interviews, practicing and collecting notes for the interview and in the interview, and being more specific in your thank you letter, you can set yourself apart from the rest as that rare, special candidate. Then, all you have to do is be that rare, special employee that keeps looking for work once they have the job.
To be sure for your success, practice Job Interview Answers is highly recommended.
Time Management Tips for Project Manager
Good time management is very important to a successful project manager.
The best project managers ensure they are productive for most of their time and avoid time-wasters at all costs. Here are some tips for project managers that can help you manage your time more effectively.
Create the Plan
What does this have to do with time management I hear you ask? Well, if everyone knows what they are doing and have a plan with regular milestones to focus on, you as project manager will spend a lot less time dealing with issues brought about through a lack of clarity.
Remember the 80/20 Rule
The 80/20 rule (or the Pareto Principle) is the idea that by doing 20% of the work you can produce 80% of the benefit of doing the whole job.
The value of this for a project manager is that it reminds you to focus on the 20 per cent of activities that matter. Of the activities you do during your project, only 20 per cent are important. Those 20 per cent produce 80 per cent of your results. Identify and focus on those activities.
Not Just Status Updates
It’s best to avoid team meetings where you go round the room asking each person to give a status update. These meetings have little value and waste time. Instead, spend that time focusing on risks, issues and opportunities. Use the team to brainstorm solutions and create ideas.
Team meetings should have an agreed agenda that you stick to. If you schedule an hour for the meeting, make sure it lasts for an hour and no longer.
Take big issues off-line if they are likely to cause a meeting overrun. Don’t make everyone sit through lengthy technical discussions that don’t involve them. Setup a working group to focus on the issues and report to the team at a future meeting.
Stop Micro Managing
Avoid delving into the detail of the work. With software development projects, it’s not necessary for the project manager to get involved at code level, leave this to the developers. You’ve selected the right team for the job. Let them get on with what they are best at, while you concentrate on steering the project to a successful conclusion.
Don’t do the WorkMany project managers make the mistake of getting involved in “doing the work.” Avoid this at all costs. Managing projects is a full-time job and taking your eye off the ball (even for a short period) can lead to problems. It may be tempting to carryout a few tasks when a deadline is looming, but leave this to others while you get on with managing the project.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
101 QUEATIONS Develope your Skil
1. Define civil engg?
2. What are works doing in civil engg in our world?
3. What are branch’s in civil engg?
4. Define cement?
5. What are the types of stones?
6. Define transport?
7. Define types of transport?
8. Define beams?
9. Define types of soil?
10. Define column?
11. Define velocity?
12. Define specific gravity?
13. Define centriod?
14. What mean by center of gravity?
15. Define stress?
16. Define moment?
17. Define shear force?
18. Define bending moment?
19. Define analysis?
20. Define load?
21. Define force?
22. Define support?
23. Define gravity force?
24. Define foundation?
25. Define surveying?
26. Define types of surveying?
27. What are the types of surveying?
28. What are work should adopted for field work particular for construction
29. Define types of foundation?
30. Define environmental?
31. Define eco-system?
32. Define natural resources?
33. Define footings?
34. Define types of footing?
35. Define types of cement?
36. Define types of beams?
37. Define fore bearing ?
38. Define back bearing?
39. Define closed travers?
40. Define open travers?
41. What mean by structure?
42. Define planning?
43. Define blueprint?
44. What mean by map?
45. Define leveling?
46. Define scope of civil engg?
47. Define concrete?
48. Define floor?
49. Define roof?
50. Define sewage?
51. Define frame?
52. Define form works?
53. Define earth work excavation?
54. Define steel?
55. Define types of steel?
56. Define tensile strength?
57. Define reinforcement?
58. Define corrosion?
59. Define frication?
60. Define wall?
61. Define rectangle?
62. Define circle?
63. Define parallel law?
64. Define vertical line?
65. Define horizontal line?
66. Define project?
67. Define deflection?
68. Define strength?
69. Define stiffness?
70. Define electrification?
71. Define uses of oil in civil works?
72. Define uses of paint?
73. Define types of paint?
74. Define types of workers in civil engg?
75. Define slope?
76. Define curvature?
77. Define carriage?
78. Define rivet joints?
79. Define types of rivet joints?
80. Define welded joints?
81. Define cylindrical shell?
82. Define spherical?
83. Define thin material
84. Define thick material?
85. Define thermal power?
86. Define estimate?
87. Define quotation?
88. Define consulting?
89. Define durable?
90. Define professional?
91. Define plastics?
92. Define government?
93. How many countries in our world?
94. How many states in our India?
95. How many district in our Tamil nadu?
96. How many languages in our india ?
97. Which is the business communication languages?
98. What mean by language?
99. What mean by visa?
100.What mean by passport?
101.What mean by green card?
2. What are works doing in civil engg in our world?
3. What are branch’s in civil engg?
4. Define cement?
5. What are the types of stones?
6. Define transport?
7. Define types of transport?
8. Define beams?
9. Define types of soil?
10. Define column?
11. Define velocity?
12. Define specific gravity?
13. Define centriod?
14. What mean by center of gravity?
15. Define stress?
16. Define moment?
17. Define shear force?
18. Define bending moment?
19. Define analysis?
20. Define load?
21. Define force?
22. Define support?
23. Define gravity force?
24. Define foundation?
25. Define surveying?
26. Define types of surveying?
27. What are the types of surveying?
28. What are work should adopted for field work particular for construction
29. Define types of foundation?
30. Define environmental?
31. Define eco-system?
32. Define natural resources?
33. Define footings?
34. Define types of footing?
35. Define types of cement?
36. Define types of beams?
37. Define fore bearing ?
38. Define back bearing?
39. Define closed travers?
40. Define open travers?
41. What mean by structure?
42. Define planning?
43. Define blueprint?
44. What mean by map?
45. Define leveling?
46. Define scope of civil engg?
47. Define concrete?
48. Define floor?
49. Define roof?
50. Define sewage?
51. Define frame?
52. Define form works?
53. Define earth work excavation?
54. Define steel?
55. Define types of steel?
56. Define tensile strength?
57. Define reinforcement?
58. Define corrosion?
59. Define frication?
60. Define wall?
61. Define rectangle?
62. Define circle?
63. Define parallel law?
64. Define vertical line?
65. Define horizontal line?
66. Define project?
67. Define deflection?
68. Define strength?
69. Define stiffness?
70. Define electrification?
71. Define uses of oil in civil works?
72. Define uses of paint?
73. Define types of paint?
74. Define types of workers in civil engg?
75. Define slope?
76. Define curvature?
77. Define carriage?
78. Define rivet joints?
79. Define types of rivet joints?
80. Define welded joints?
81. Define cylindrical shell?
82. Define spherical?
83. Define thin material
84. Define thick material?
85. Define thermal power?
86. Define estimate?
87. Define quotation?
88. Define consulting?
89. Define durable?
90. Define professional?
91. Define plastics?
92. Define government?
93. How many countries in our world?
94. How many states in our India?
95. How many district in our Tamil nadu?
96. How many languages in our india ?
97. Which is the business communication languages?
98. What mean by language?
99. What mean by visa?
100.What mean by passport?
101.What mean by green card?
Friday, July 23, 2010
AC Vinoth(Thamizhanin Thalaivan)
Thalaivan Irukikaar
Thaniye Thavikiraar
Thanathu Thaagam
Thanalai Erinthu
Sambalai Ponethe.
Ennakuriya Mariyadai
Thara Iyalamal
Innum Poi Parappi
Emarum Emathrum Nale
Ummakku Vayasu patha ?
Thalaivan Irukikaar
Thaniye Thavikiraar
Adimakku enna akankaaram
Mudiyuma unnal Thamilanin
Maanpu miku Thalaivanin
Makathaana saathanaikalai seika?
Sarvathesa sathi valaiyil
Sikki sithainthathu emathu
Sirantha pauraaddam
Siram thaalthukirom em Thalaivanukku.
Avan irunthall enna
Akanraal enna
Evan inaiyaavaan avanukku
Enpathai maddumm maravaathey.
Unakku unn kudumpam perithu
Avanukku adimaipaddu allalurum
Athththanai kodi Thamil kudumpamum perithu
Than kudumpam azhinthaalum
Thamil kudmpankal thalaikkavenndum enru
Thalaraathu thasabthangalaka pauradinaan
Thamil thanthaikku pirakkavillai enru
Thaaralamaaka therithuviddai tharuthalaiya-nee
Thaalam paduvathu yaaruku enru
Therium intha THAMILANUKKU.
Thalaivar Enru than Sonnen
Thalaivan enru kooda Sollavilai
Thalai Kunithu Vanangukiren
Thannikirala Seyalkal Seithu
Tamizhar Thiramai Vulgakkuku
Thanga Maganai Tamizh Thai
Thalai mazhanai Thathu edutha
Thalaivar palithu Pesavillai
Pazhaya Perumai Pesi Pesi
Poluthu Kalikkum um Nillaimai
Poramathal than Pesukiren
Poruthar Bhoomi Alwar
Poruthu Poruthu Bhoomi ilantha
Pillaikalum ilanthu Porattam Venuma ?
Thamizhan endru Sollada
Thalai nimirthu Nillada endru
Thaai Tamil Paal Ootiya
Thanthai Tamilar Perumai Pesiya
Tamizhan parthi Thanthondri Pesathe
Thanni Sappitu Thalladum Kilavan
Tamil Mannil Vazhum Tamilan parthu
Thagatha Vaarthai Pesalama ?
Thaniye Thavikiraar
Thanathu Thaagam
Thanalai Erinthu
Sambalai Ponethe.
Ennakuriya Mariyadai
Thara Iyalamal
Innum Poi Parappi
Emarum Emathrum Nale
Ummakku Vayasu patha ?
Thalaivan Irukikaar
Thaniye Thavikiraar
Adimakku enna akankaaram
Mudiyuma unnal Thamilanin
Maanpu miku Thalaivanin
Makathaana saathanaikalai seika?
Sarvathesa sathi valaiyil
Sikki sithainthathu emathu
Sirantha pauraaddam
Siram thaalthukirom em Thalaivanukku.
Avan irunthall enna
Akanraal enna
Evan inaiyaavaan avanukku
Enpathai maddumm maravaathey.
Unakku unn kudumpam perithu
Avanukku adimaipaddu allalurum
Athththanai kodi Thamil kudumpamum perithu
Than kudumpam azhinthaalum
Thamil kudmpankal thalaikkavenndum enru
Thalaraathu thasabthangalaka pauradinaan
Thamil thanthaikku pirakkavillai enru
Thaaralamaaka therithuviddai tharuthalaiya-nee
Thaalam paduvathu yaaruku enru
Therium intha THAMILANUKKU.
Thalaivar Enru than Sonnen
Thalaivan enru kooda Sollavilai
Thalai Kunithu Vanangukiren
Thannikirala Seyalkal Seithu
Tamizhar Thiramai Vulgakkuku
Thanga Maganai Tamizh Thai
Thalai mazhanai Thathu edutha
Thalaivar palithu Pesavillai
Pazhaya Perumai Pesi Pesi
Poluthu Kalikkum um Nillaimai
Poramathal than Pesukiren
Poruthar Bhoomi Alwar
Poruthu Poruthu Bhoomi ilantha
Pillaikalum ilanthu Porattam Venuma ?
Thamizhan endru Sollada
Thalai nimirthu Nillada endru
Thaai Tamil Paal Ootiya
Thanthai Tamilar Perumai Pesiya
Tamizhan parthi Thanthondri Pesathe
Thanni Sappitu Thalladum Kilavan
Tamil Mannil Vazhum Tamilan parthu
Thagatha Vaarthai Pesalama ?
AC Vinoth(Thamizhanin thalaivan)
Thalaivan Irukikaar
Thaniye Thavikiraar
Thanathu Thaagam
Thanalai Erinthu
Sambalai Ponethe.
Ennakuriya Mariyadai
Thara Iyalamal
Innum Poi Parappi
Emarum Emathrum Nale
Ummakku Vayasu patha ?
Thalaivan Irukikaar
Thaniye Thavikiraar
Adimakku enna akankaaram
Mudiyuma unnal Thamilanin
Maanpu miku Thalaivanin
Makathaana saathanaikalai seika?
Sarvathesa sathi valaiyil
Sikki sithainthathu emathu
Sirantha pauraaddam
Siram thaalthukirom em Thalaivanukku.
Avan irunthall enna
Akanraal enna
Evan inaiyaavaan avanukku
Enpathai maddumm maravaathey.
Unakku unn kudumpam perithu
Avanukku adimaipaddu allalurum
Athththanai kodi Thamil kudumpamum perithu
Than kudumpam azhinthaalum
Thamil kudmpankal thalaikkavenndum enru
Thalaraathu thasabthangalaka pauradinaan
Thamil thanthaikku pirakkavillai enru
Thaaralamaaka therithuviddai tharuthalaiya-nee
Thaalam paduvathu yaaruku enru
Therium intha THAMILANUKKU.
Thalaivar Enru than Sonnen
Thalaivan enru kooda Sollavilai
Thalai Kunithu Vanangukiren
Thannikirala Seyalkal Seithu
Tamizhar Thiramai Vulgakkuku
Thanga Maganai Tamizh Thai
Thalai mazhanai Thathu edutha
Thalaivar palithu Pesavillai
Pazhaya Perumai Pesi Pesi
Poluthu Kalikkum um Nillaimai
Poramathal than Pesukiren
Poruthar Bhoomi Alwar
Poruthu Poruthu Bhoomi ilantha
Pillaikalum ilanthu Porattam Venuma ?
Thamizhan endru Sollada
Thalai nimirthu Nillada endru
Thaai Tamil Paal Ootiya
Thanthai Tamilar Perumai Pesiya
Tamizhan parthi Thanthondri Pesathe
Thanni Sappitu Thalladum Kilavan
Tamil Mannil Vazhum Tamilan parthu
Thagatha Vaarthai Pesalama ?
Thaniye Thavikiraar
Thanathu Thaagam
Thanalai Erinthu
Sambalai Ponethe.
Ennakuriya Mariyadai
Thara Iyalamal
Innum Poi Parappi
Emarum Emathrum Nale
Ummakku Vayasu patha ?
Thalaivan Irukikaar
Thaniye Thavikiraar
Adimakku enna akankaaram
Mudiyuma unnal Thamilanin
Maanpu miku Thalaivanin
Makathaana saathanaikalai seika?
Sarvathesa sathi valaiyil
Sikki sithainthathu emathu
Sirantha pauraaddam
Siram thaalthukirom em Thalaivanukku.
Avan irunthall enna
Akanraal enna
Evan inaiyaavaan avanukku
Enpathai maddumm maravaathey.
Unakku unn kudumpam perithu
Avanukku adimaipaddu allalurum
Athththanai kodi Thamil kudumpamum perithu
Than kudumpam azhinthaalum
Thamil kudmpankal thalaikkavenndum enru
Thalaraathu thasabthangalaka pauradinaan
Thamil thanthaikku pirakkavillai enru
Thaaralamaaka therithuviddai tharuthalaiya-nee
Thaalam paduvathu yaaruku enru
Therium intha THAMILANUKKU.
Thalaivar Enru than Sonnen
Thalaivan enru kooda Sollavilai
Thalai Kunithu Vanangukiren
Thannikirala Seyalkal Seithu
Tamizhar Thiramai Vulgakkuku
Thanga Maganai Tamizh Thai
Thalai mazhanai Thathu edutha
Thalaivar palithu Pesavillai
Pazhaya Perumai Pesi Pesi
Poluthu Kalikkum um Nillaimai
Poramathal than Pesukiren
Poruthar Bhoomi Alwar
Poruthu Poruthu Bhoomi ilantha
Pillaikalum ilanthu Porattam Venuma ?
Thamizhan endru Sollada
Thalai nimirthu Nillada endru
Thaai Tamil Paal Ootiya
Thanthai Tamilar Perumai Pesiya
Tamizhan parthi Thanthondri Pesathe
Thanni Sappitu Thalladum Kilavan
Tamil Mannil Vazhum Tamilan parthu
Thagatha Vaarthai Pesalama ?
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Question Paper For Civil Engineering
Annamalai University
Deparment of Civil Engineering II & III Year Question paper
For what purpose the optical Staff Used?
How is the chain surveying plotted and checked.
Describe any three method of adjusting the Traverse.
Distinguish between dip and declination.
Enumerate the three-point Problem. How is it solved?
Explain the characteristic of contour lines.
What do you mean by orientation of the plan table? What are the methods of orientation?
Describe the method of reduction of level and discuss their relative merit and demerits
What are the permanent adjustments of a Dumpy level?
Enumerate the permanent adjustment of a theadolite?
Describe in details the collimation adjustment of a transit?
What are the fundamental axes in a transit theadolite? State the relationship that must exits between them.
Explain the method of repetition to find the horizontal angle between two survey lines using a transit theadolite.
Explain the method to determine the additive and multiplying constants for a tacheometer on the field?
Explain the ‘Double plane Method’ employed in stadia tacheometry.
State the principle of surveying.
What are Base, Check and tie Lines?
What is need for well-conditioned triangle?
Describe the various obstacles to chaining and method to overcome them with suitable sketch.
list the precaution in booking filed notes for the chain surveying.
Describe a prismatic campus with a neat sketch.
What are the whole circle bearing and quadrantal bearing?
What are the sources of error in campus surveying
Describe the various accessories used in a plane table surveying?
Explain the method of Intersection in plane table surveying
State the three –point problem .what are the various field method to solve it ? Explain any one them.
What are the Temporary adjustments of a Dumpy level?
Describe the method of reciprocal leveling. what re the error eliminated by using this method ?
Write short notes on profile leveling.
Explain the method of chaining indicating the duties of surveyor leader and the follower
Describe the method of reciprocal ranging. When the method is required to be employed ?
What are the corrections to be applied for a base line measurement?
What are the errors in chaining?
Explain the Difference between a prismatic campus and a surveyor’s Campus.
What are force and Back bearing of a line?
What is local attraction? How it can be detected and corrected?
Describe the method of plane table traversing?
Explain the Bassel’s method of solving the three-point problem.
State the two –point problem. describe a method to solve it
What are the Advantage of plane table surveying?
What is collimation error ? how it can be corrected?
Explain the two permanent adjustments of a transit theadolite?
Explain the method of reiteration to find the horizontal angle between two survey lines using a transite theodolite.
Describe the construction and use of different types of cross staff.
Write short notes on curvature and refraction
What are the temporary adjustment of a transit theodolite?
Explain the method of marking the survey stations.
Discuss about different types of errors in chaining.
What is back bearing and what are the advantages of observing it in a traverse?
Discuss with sketch, the various method of orienting the plane
51.Discuss with advantage and disadvantage of plan table surveying over other method.
52. What are the different method of plan table surveying?
53. What are the different Sources o error in leveling ? how they are eliminated ?
54. Explain the concept of differential leveling.
55. Explain how you would measure with a theadolite
(a) Horizontal angle by repetition
(b) Vertical angle
56. What are the Different error in theadolite work ?
57. What are conditions to be fulfilled by survey lines or survey stations ?
58. Explain the method of marking the survey stations.
59. Explain about prismatic compass and the temporary adjustment required set up the
60.What are the principal requirements of a magnetic needle ?
61. Differentiate between surveyor’s and prismatic compass.
62. Explain advantage and disadvantage of plan table surveying.
63. What is three point problem ? how it is solved by
(a) Bessle’s method ?
(b) Graphical method?
64. Describe with the help of Sketches .Lehman’s Rules
65.What are the different types of leveling staff? State the merit and demerit of each.
a) Bench Mark
b) Reduced Level
c) Back Sight
d) Dip of Horizon.
67. Give list of permanent adjustments of a transit theadolite and state the object of each
68. What are the principles of surveying ?
69. Explain the method of a survey party.
Deparment of Civil Engineering II & III Year Question paper
For what purpose the optical Staff Used?
How is the chain surveying plotted and checked.
Describe any three method of adjusting the Traverse.
Distinguish between dip and declination.
Enumerate the three-point Problem. How is it solved?
Explain the characteristic of contour lines.
What do you mean by orientation of the plan table? What are the methods of orientation?
Describe the method of reduction of level and discuss their relative merit and demerits
What are the permanent adjustments of a Dumpy level?
Enumerate the permanent adjustment of a theadolite?
Describe in details the collimation adjustment of a transit?
What are the fundamental axes in a transit theadolite? State the relationship that must exits between them.
Explain the method of repetition to find the horizontal angle between two survey lines using a transit theadolite.
Explain the method to determine the additive and multiplying constants for a tacheometer on the field?
Explain the ‘Double plane Method’ employed in stadia tacheometry.
State the principle of surveying.
What are Base, Check and tie Lines?
What is need for well-conditioned triangle?
Describe the various obstacles to chaining and method to overcome them with suitable sketch.
list the precaution in booking filed notes for the chain surveying.
Describe a prismatic campus with a neat sketch.
What are the whole circle bearing and quadrantal bearing?
What are the sources of error in campus surveying
Describe the various accessories used in a plane table surveying?
Explain the method of Intersection in plane table surveying
State the three –point problem .what are the various field method to solve it ? Explain any one them.
What are the Temporary adjustments of a Dumpy level?
Describe the method of reciprocal leveling. what re the error eliminated by using this method ?
Write short notes on profile leveling.
Explain the method of chaining indicating the duties of surveyor leader and the follower
Describe the method of reciprocal ranging. When the method is required to be employed ?
What are the corrections to be applied for a base line measurement?
What are the errors in chaining?
Explain the Difference between a prismatic campus and a surveyor’s Campus.
What are force and Back bearing of a line?
What is local attraction? How it can be detected and corrected?
Describe the method of plane table traversing?
Explain the Bassel’s method of solving the three-point problem.
State the two –point problem. describe a method to solve it
What are the Advantage of plane table surveying?
What is collimation error ? how it can be corrected?
Explain the two permanent adjustments of a transit theadolite?
Explain the method of reiteration to find the horizontal angle between two survey lines using a transite theodolite.
Describe the construction and use of different types of cross staff.
Write short notes on curvature and refraction
What are the temporary adjustment of a transit theodolite?
Explain the method of marking the survey stations.
Discuss about different types of errors in chaining.
What is back bearing and what are the advantages of observing it in a traverse?
Discuss with sketch, the various method of orienting the plane
51.Discuss with advantage and disadvantage of plan table surveying over other method.
52. What are the different method of plan table surveying?
53. What are the different Sources o error in leveling ? how they are eliminated ?
54. Explain the concept of differential leveling.
55. Explain how you would measure with a theadolite
(a) Horizontal angle by repetition
(b) Vertical angle
56. What are the Different error in theadolite work ?
57. What are conditions to be fulfilled by survey lines or survey stations ?
58. Explain the method of marking the survey stations.
59. Explain about prismatic compass and the temporary adjustment required set up the
60.What are the principal requirements of a magnetic needle ?
61. Differentiate between surveyor’s and prismatic compass.
62. Explain advantage and disadvantage of plan table surveying.
63. What is three point problem ? how it is solved by
(a) Bessle’s method ?
(b) Graphical method?
64. Describe with the help of Sketches .Lehman’s Rules
65.What are the different types of leveling staff? State the merit and demerit of each.
a) Bench Mark
b) Reduced Level
c) Back Sight
d) Dip of Horizon.
67. Give list of permanent adjustments of a transit theadolite and state the object of each
68. What are the principles of surveying ?
69. Explain the method of a survey party.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Anbulla Thiruvalluvar Collage
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Early Life
He was born on 21 jun 1990. Father's Name M.Chinnarajulu Mother's Anuzuya,Bathmavathy. He is a secand child.
Early Life
He was born on 21 jun 1990. Father's Name M.Chinnarajulu Mother's Anuzuya,Bathmavathy. He is a secand child.
Friday, January 8, 2010
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